Dolomiti - Praha, 4 people, one-way

Selva Gardena
Bus 6:37Bus 6:37Bus 6:37Bus 6:37Bus 6:37Bus 6:37Bus 9:07Bus 9:07Bus 9:07Bus 9:07Bus 11:07Bus 11:07Bus 13:07Bus 13:07Bus 15:07Bus 15:07Bus 18:37Bus 18:37Bus 19:07Bus 19:07
Ponte Gardena7:297:297:297:297:297:2910:0110:0110:0110:0112:0112:0114:0114:0116:0116:0119:2919:2920:0120:01
R 7:48R 7:48R 7:48R 7:48R 7:48R 7:48R 10:18R 10:18RV 20:10RV 20:10
RV 20:31RV 20:31
RJ 11:04RJ 11:04RJ 13:04RJ 13:04RJ 15:04RJ 15:04RJ 17:04RJ 17:04
S 11:33S 11:33
Innsbruck Hbf9:389:389:389:389:389:3812:4212:4212:1312:1314:4214:4216:3616:3618:4218:42||
R 9:50R 9:50RJX 10:16RJX 10:16R 9:50R 9:50S 12:38S 12:38RJX 17:14RJX 17:14
Verona Porta Nuova||||||||22:1722:1722:1722:17
NJ 22:58NJ 22:58NJ 22:58NJ 22:58
Wörgl Hbf10:3510:3510:4310:4310:3410:3413:1613:16|15:1615:1617:4517:4519:1619:16||
R 10:51R 10:51
M 11:02M 11:02
München Hbf12:1912:19||14:2714:2715:2615:2616:2716:27|20:2620:26||
ALX 12:44ALX 12:44ALX 14:44ALX 14:44ALX 16:44ALX 16:44ALX 16:44ALX 16:44ICE 21:51ICE 21:51
Schwarzach-St. Veit||12:4812:48|||||||
S 13:24S 13:24
Salzburg Hbf|12:0712:0714:4014:40|||19:0719:07|||
S 15:34S 15:34
Linz Hbf|13:1513:1518:0018:00|||20:1720:17|||
EC 15:54EC 15:54EC 18:54EC 18:54
Wien Hbf||||||21:3221:32|9:049:049:049:04
NJ 22:10NJ 22:10RGJ 10:39RGJ 10:39RGJ 10:39RGJ 10:39
Plzeň hl.n.17:0017:00||19:0019:0021:0021:0021:0021:00||||
České Budějovice|17:5817:5820:5820:58|||||||
Brno hl.n.||||||0:290:29|12:0912:0912:0912:09
Pardubice hl.n.||||||2:002:00|13:4413:4413:4413:44
Berlin Hbf|||||||7:547:54||
EC 9:11EC 9:11
Ústí nad Labem hl.n.|||||||12:1312:13||
Praha hl.n.18:2218:2219:3919:3922:3922:3920:2220:2222:2222:2222:2222:223:013:0113:2313:2314:3914:3914:3914:39
select a journey
Selva Gardena6:37Bus
Ponte Gardena7:297:48R
Innsbruck Hbf9:389:50R
München Hbf12:1912:44ALX
Praha hl.n.18:22
Selva Gardena > BrenneroSII, 54 €South Tyrol public transport fare. You'll buy the ticket from the bus driver or at ticket machine at the train station. The ticket can be bought also in the Südtirolmobil mobile app.54
Brennero > KufsteinEinfach-Raus-Ticket, 44 €A group one-day pass for 2 to 5 people, valid in all ÖBB regional trains. On Monday to Friday, you cannot use the ticket before 9 am. The ticket can be bought online or in the DB or ÖBB ticket machine.44
Kufstein > Plzeň hl.n.Bayern-Böhmen-Ticket, 66.8 €Bayern-Böhmen-Ticket is valid for 1 day for an unlimited travel in German regional trains in Bavaria and nearby Czech train lines. On Monday through Friday not before 9 am. It can be bought in a DB ticket machine or online.67
Plzeň hl.n. > Praha hl.n.Vázaná jízdenka ČD, 580 KčA Czech Railways domestic discount. Number of tickets is limited. The ticket is valid only in the given train. Sold online, seat reservation is included in price.58022
Total price
Total oneway price for 4 people187
Total oneway price per person47