| Bucuresti Nord > Ruse | seat reservation, 12 € | A standard international seat reservation fee. Should be sold in any international ticket counter, on some relations online as well. | | | 12 | € | |
| Bucuresti Nord <> Ruse | seat reservation, 24 € | A standard international seat reservation fee. Should be sold in any international ticket counter, on some relations online as well. | | | 24 | € | |
| Kúty (Gr) <> Varna | CityStar, 556 € | A Czech return discount for travelling to east Europe. The ticket is valid one month at can be bought at an international ticket counter of Czech Railways, at least 3 days in advance. | | | 556 | € | |
| Varna > Bucuresti Nord | reservation, 12 € | A seat reservation fee.
This direct car Bucuresti - Varna operates in the summer season only (13 June - 13 October 2025).
In other times of the year, the journey is possible with changes. | | | 12 | € | |
| Szolnok <> Bucuresti Nord | seat reservation, 24 € | A standard international seat reservation fee. Should be sold in any international ticket counter, on some relations online as well. | | | 24 | € | |
| Budapest Nyugati <> Szolnok | seat reservation, 7520 Ft | Hungarian seat reservation fee. Can be purchased online. | 7520 | Ft | 19 | € | |
| Praha hl.n. <> Brno hl.n. | Vázaná jízdenka ČD, 2152 Kč | A Czech Railways domestic discount. Number of tickets is limited. The ticket is valid only in the given train. Sold online, seat reservation is included in price. | 2152 | Kč | 83 | € | |
| Bucuresti Nord > Varna | reservation, 12 € | A seat reservation fee.
This direct car Bucuresti - Varna operates in the summer season only (13 June - 13 October 2025).
In other times of the year, the journey is possible with changes. | | | 12 | € | |
| Bucuresti Nord <> Varna | reservation, 24 € | A seat reservation fee.
This direct car Bucuresti - Varna operates in the summer season only (13 June - 13 October 2025).
In other times of the year, the journey is possible with changes. | | | 24 | € | |
| Brno hl.n. <> Kúty (Gr) | ČD Group Ticket, 922 Kč | A group fare of Czech Railways. Two or more passengers are considered as a group. | 922 | Kč | 36 | € | |
| Ruse > Bucuresti Nord | seat reservation, 12 € | A standard international seat reservation fee. Should be sold in any international ticket counter, on some relations online as well. | | | 12 | € | |